Maintainlevel / One to One
3 sessions per month
Maintain English Level B1-B2
3 Sessions - One to One
Build and practise your English skills in a wider range of everyday situations. Feel more confident with your speaking and listening ability. This course can lead to PET, FCE, IELTS (Cambridge Certificates) or MET, ECCE (Michigan Certificates).
73€ per month
Maintain English Level C1-C2
3 Sessions - One to One
Build and practise your advanced English skills in a range that covers almost all everyday situations. Maintain your level as a proficient user. This course can lead to CAE, CPE, IELTS (Cambridge Certificates) or ALCE, ECPE (Michigan Certificates).
79€ per month
Learn basic English for everyday situations and practise your language skills. This course can lead to KET, Movers (Cambridge Certificates) or MYLE, MET Go! (Michigan Certificates).
Build and practise your German skills in a wider range of everyday situations. Feel more confident with your speaking and listening ability. This course can lead to ZERTIFIKAT DEUTSCH, ZERTIFIKAT DEUTSCH FUR JUGENDLICHE, GOETHE ZERTIFICAT B2.
Maintain German Level C1-C2
3 Sessions - One to One
Build and practise your advanced German skills in a range that covers almost all everyday situations. Maintain your level as a proficient user. This course can lead to GOETHE ZERTIFIKAT C1, GROBES DEUTSCH SPRACHDIPLOM, KLEINES DEUTSCH SPRACHDIPLOM
79€ per month